Our Extensive Portfolio

Move Management.
MIET and its partners have several years of experience providing move management services to the various Health Authorities. We have worked successfully with several of your project managers and have executed all moves on time and on budget. Some of the services we have provided has been: move instructions, move champions meetings, signage, scheduling, coordinating moving labour & supplies, assisting with furniture disassem- bly/reassembly, coordinating recycling & waste as well as assisting with landlord coordination. We have also successfully worked with IMITS, IBM and other IT groups and vendors to coordinate the move of IT devices. It is our objective to re qualify and continue to provide move management services for the Authorities.
FF&E Management / Inventory / As-Builts
Our firm has developed a system and procured software to take furniture inventory and cataloging from an antiquated system to a thoughtful and user-friendly platform. As a result, our clients can have a virtual and live catalogue of their assets. Our firm will continue to grow the system, and help our clients list, organize and take meaningful actions relating to their inventory. We have used our inventory management system during small initiatives such as a moving project to a significant initiative like inventorying and creating space/FF&E as-builts of over 200,000 square feet of office space and furniture placement.
Project Management
Our team is comprised of professionals with years of experience in Proj-
ect Management in Construction, FF&E, Energy, Development, Property Management and IT projects( infrastructure & service/delivery projects). We have managed projects in various sizes and capacities and have the insight and know-how to assist the Health Authorities with multiple proj- ects. We have PMP and a CAPM on our team, and if required, we would ensure our project leaders undertake the Canadian Healthcare Construc- tion Certificate. Our primary focus is the project cycle, from planning and procurement to delivery and operations, ensuring these elements stay on budget and schedule.
MIET can manage and procure services to responsibly decommission furniture for our clients. We have the skills, relationships, and expertise to ensure that all furniture is decommissioned expediently and that very little waste (if any) makes its way to the landfill. Our team can manage your decommissioning project from furniture to removal of old IT to construction decommissioning / back to base work. Our team is flexible to accommodate all schedules. We can ensure the right vendors, suppliers, and contractors participate in your project to ensure all scheduling, quality, budgetary and employee considerations are met. We have a demonstrable history of being a client advocate and continually finding unique and progressive solutions to any problem.
IT Project Management
Our IT expert Frits Bos is a seasoned IT professional whose career has spanned over 40 years in North American and European markets. His expertise is unparalleled, and his knowledge of IT infrastructure and project delivery is an asset to any project. His greatest strength is project delivery, coaching, and mentoring – a skill and service our client’s great value. Our expertise can span not only systems, compliance and substructure, but also construction and infrastructure.

Case Study
This is Workplace Audit
Vancouver Coastal Health hired MIET to undertake a first of its kind project – to provide a space inventory exercise of over 300,000 sq. ft of their corporate leasehold space. MIET’s role was to verify and update all of VCH’s as-built CAD files, input all of the office furniture into those drawings and provide an assessment of critical upgrading items to the base building space. MIET also offered a COVID-19 overall evaluation of each office which included detailing what changes have been made and what changes needed to be made to ensure ut- most COVID-19 safety. This project was a huge undertaking and required extensive hours of logging inventory, site measuring, Auto CAD work and cataloguing. Overall, the completed product provided our client with detailed, valuable and visual information to make informed decisions about the future use of office space and furniture.
Case Study
This is Move Management
MIET was were retained by another firm to act as project leads for the large move management project for 1333 W Broad- way. The project required Laura and Bob to work closely with the PHSA team and design and execute a management plan for the multiple parties moving. Over 250 employees were relocated to the brand-new build out at 1333 West Broadway over a 16- week span. Laura and Bob coordinated the movers, supplies, landlord, security, elevator bookings, move champion meetings and the post- move support. Laura and Bob also worked closely with the IMITS and IBM team to ensure all of the equipment was relocated without any issues.
MIET executed regular lessons learned after each move project to ensure each subsequent move improved and solidified the overall move methodology. The move was deemed a great success and was used as a benchmark for many future moves within the organization.

Initial Budget of the Project: $ Confidential
Final Budget of the Project: $ Confidential
Owners Contact Information: LMFM
Name: Agnes Chan, Lower Mainland Facilities Management
Email: [email protected]
Prime Consultant Information: BTY
Name: Hannah Owens, (604) 734-6405
Email: [email protected]
Role on the Project: PM / Move Coordination

Initial Budget of the Project: $ 34,000.00
Final Budget of the Project: $ 40,000 (Client directed change)
Owners Contact:Ministry of Citizen Services
Name: Chris Chmara, Development Mgr Real Property Division
Email: [email protected]
Prime Consultant Information: Kasian Architecture Michelle
Name:Leitch, Associate
Email: [email protected]
Role on the Project: Move Manager
Project Scope: Contents, Technology, Furniture, & Installation
Case Study
This is Move Management
MIET was retained by The Ministry of Citizen Services to assist on a large scale move management project and decommissioning project for their 9900 King George new-build project. Our objective was to move close to 200 individuals from 4 different sites into 1 main site. There was also over 12 minor moves that required minimal furniture pieces to be redeployed to other sites throughout the lower mainland. Lastly, we were requested to work with their asset recovery team to ensure all unwanted furniture was either sold, donated, or recycled. Our team was able to successfully divert most of the furniture from the landfill, as well recycle a large portion of unusable items. This was a huge success for the client. Lastly, our team was able to dismantle and decommission all furniture expeditiously to meet all the clients’ deadlines. This project was challenging due to occupancy concerns, the COVID-19 pandemic, working with outside vendors such as IT and the need to work with several user groups all throughout the lower mainland. Our greatest successes in this project was our project scheduling, coordinating multiple user groups and ensuring a minimal impact to the environment.
Case Study
This is Move Management
MIET was retained to assist the group at BC Cancer to relocate from multiple facilities to one central location in Vancouver. This project was a challenging project due to working with multiple vendors of leased equipment, moving medical equipment, the requirement to have a confidentiality methodology in place due to moving patient files and challenging hours of access. MIET was retained due to their hands-on approach and their ability to use their technology and processes to ensure the move was seamless. This project included the move of over 100 staff members, multiple computers and tech- nology and personal items from multiple locations into one location. All of this had to be executed during a pandemic with limited staff available.

Initial Budget of the Project: $ 40,000
Final Budget of the Project: $ 40,000
Owners Contact Information:BC Cancer
Name: Reena Rajan Capital Redevelopment
Email: [email protected]
Prime Consultant Information: BTY
Name: Hannah Owens, (604) 734-6405
Email: [email protected]
Role on the Project: PM / Move Coordination
Project Scope: Contents, Technology, Furniture, & Installation

Initial Budget of the Project: $3,00,000.00
Final Budget of the Project: $2,900,000.00
Architect Contact Information: HPA Architects
Name: Jaime Dejo Director of Construction Administration
Email: [email protected]
Prime Consultant Information: BTY
Name:Hannah Owens, (604) 734-6405
Email:[email protected]
Role on the Project: FF&E Manager
Case Study
This is FF&E Management
Arts Umbrella is Canada’s leading arts education institute for young people ages 2 to 19. They have four campuses, including their new location in the old Emily Carr Building on Granville Island. Arts Umbrella and BTY Group hired MIET to take on the role of being a Furniture, Fixture and Equipment (FF&E) Manager. As Arts Umbrella offers a wide range of general and professional arts education classes in a wide range of disciplines including dance, theatre, visual and media arts, and music, the organization required extension assistance with procuring all the new furniture and equipment for the Campus. MIET worked closely with the organization, their user groups and the construction project team to furnish the campus with modern, state-of-the-art equipment that ranged from office furnishings, to ballet barres, to millwork, to ceramic kilns to telescopic bleachers.
MIET’s services included sourcing all of the equipment, collecting and submitting all technical shop drawings, coordination of all technical documents, coordinating the purchase and ordering of materials, storage and supervising the install of the final products.
Case Study
This is Move Management
Arts Umbrella retained MIET to assist with a highly complicated move project from one campus to another campus. Arts Umbrella had an invaluable sculpture bolted to the floor at their original campus that had to be relocated to their new location in Granville Island. MIET interviewed several specialist art movers but found a unique company that excels in complicated moves. Through site investigation and pre-move planning, we were able to reduce the actual labor of moving the sculpture from $30,000.00 to $15,000.00, prevent the removal of windows or the use of cranes and move the sculpture without any damage distress or complications. The client was pleased as our firm was able to problem solve and manage the extremely complicated move without any issue

Initial Budget of the Project:$30,000.00
Final Budget of the Project: $15,800.00
Architect Contact Information: HPA Architects
Name: Jaime Dejo Director of Construction Administration
Email: [email protected]
Prime Consultant Information: BTY
Name: Hannah Owens, (604) 734-6405
Email: [email protected]
Role on the Project: FF&E Manager